Relishing redcurrants and loving loganberries


Harvest – July to August

Position – Succeeds in sun or partial shade, in moist but not waterlogged soil.

Planting – Water thoroughly or stand container in water for an hour before planting. Plant in hole large enough to avoid disturbing root ball. Back-fill with soil previously mixed with peat substitute and a suitable fertilizer.

Plant care – Train again wall or wire. Prune back old canes.

Loganberry souffle

Melt 55g of butter in a pan and stir in 55g of self-raising flour. Add milk to make a sauce and stir until thickened. Heat 85g of loganberries, 55g of caster sugar and some vanilla essence in a pan to reduce for 4-5minutes. Fold the white sauce into the mixture. Allow to cool and then add 4 egg yolks. Whisk four egg whites until they form stiff peaks and then fold into the mixture Bake for 10-12 minutes at 220C.


Harvest – July to September

Position – Requires well-drained, moist soil, in full sun or partial shade.

Planting – Plant in late spring, in hole large enough to avoid disturbing root ball. Back-fill with soil previously mixed with peat substitute and a suitable fertilizer.

Plant care – Keep moist. Avoid disturbing roots after planting.

Redcurrant relish

Place 2 large chopped garlic cloves, 1 small red pepper, 200ml of red wine vinegar and 100g of sugar in a pan and stir until boiling. Leave to simmer for 5 mins. Add 200g of fresh redcurrants and simmer for a further 5 minutes or until fruit has burst. Cool and pour into jars.

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