How to prune buddleia

Pruning a Buddleia

Pruning a Buddleia, also known as a butterfly bush, is essential to promote new growth, control its size, and improve its overall health. Here are the steps to follow:

Timing: The best time to prune Buddleia is ideally in early spring, before new growth begins. But you can also prune in winter. Pruning in spring when new growth starts to appear means there is less risk of cutting the bush too far back into the old wood. If you cut into the old wood you run the risk of it not coming back.

Cutting back: Using a pair of sharp pruning shears, cut back the previous year’s growth to about one-third of its original height. Cut just above a healthy bud or shoot.

Remove dead wood: Cut out any dead or damaged wood, cutting back to healthy wood or just above a healthy bud.

Remove old wood: If the plant is old and woody, it may benefit from a more severe pruning. Cut back to a few inches above the ground, leaving just a few healthy buds.

Clean up: Collect and dispose of all the pruned material, and make sure to clean your pruning shears with rubbing alcohol to prevent the spread of diseases.

Remember that regular pruning is necessary to keep Buddleia healthy and to promote vigorous growth and profuse flowering.

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